Returns and exchanges

To start your return, enter your order number and email address or phone number

How do I return my order?

  • Enter your order number and email address or phone number. Then, select start your return.
  • Follow the instructions and select the items you want to return.
  • When you’ve completed the return process, you’ll receive an email. This confirms your return has been approved and outlines how to post it.


Am I able to return my order?

  • You can return your items within 30 days of receiving them.
  • All returns must be in their original resalable condition.
  • All returns must be complete with their existing tags and packaging, if applicable.
  • Due to the nature of beauty products, no exchanges will be issued. Free returns are only allowed if the product is unopened and unused. If the product shows any signs of being opened or used, it will not be eligible for a return.

When will my return be processed?

  • Once we have received your return, it will be inspected. Once inspected you’ll receive an email notifying you if the return has been approved or rejected.
  • If your return is approved, you’ll receive a refund to your original payment method within 5-7 days.



Do I have to pay for my return?

  • You will not be charged any additional cost for making a return.
  • We are unable to refund your original shipping costs.